Monday, October 15, 2012

In the Zone

This Friday we earned our first all school reward for showing "In the Zone" behavior.  Staff participated in a kickball game.  It was the BLUE SABRE TEACHERS vs. the PURPLE POWER TEACHERS!  Students had a great time watching and cheering on some of their favorite teachers.  The game ended with a 4-2 win by Mr. Johnson's purple team.

Mr. Schlichting, our music teacher, with a powerful kick.

Mr. Ambrosier, a 2nd grade teacher, playing for the Sabres.

Mrs. Koch, a kindergarten teacher, with a high kick to the infield.

Mrs. Koslowski, a 1st grade teacher, ready for a base kick.

Mrs. K catching the ball to make an out for the PURPLE team.

Good sportsmanship by both teams!

Unity Day & the Fire Station

October is "Bully Prevention" month.  We celebrated Unity Day by talking about ways to be a BUDDY instead of a BULLY.  We will do several activities this month with our 3rd grade book buddies.

We went to the Fire Station on Thursday.  Students got to lots of fun activities including touring all the fire trucks, spray water, and try on firefighter gear.  Thanks to Jess and Sarah for chaperoning this trip.  A special thanks to Jess for taking some class pictures as my camera ran out of battery.